Traffic Ticket Dismissal
Need to dismiss a traffic ticket? Our 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement course is right for you. The course and materials are 100% online, and you don't have to take all 4 hours in one sitting! This traffic school also applies to those who need to keep their license from being canceled as a result of certain traffic violations.
Did you know?
You can still receive points on your driving record even if you pay the ticket fine. However, if the court allows you to take traffic school, and you successfully complete it by the deadline, you should not receive any points. Just submit proof of completion to the court and your points will be removed!
Car Insurance
Remember, if you get points on your driving record you insurance premiums may rise or your insurance may be cancelled all together. Some insurance companies will even give a discount to motorists who voluntarily take Florida traffic school and submit proof of completion.
County Courts in Florida
Whether you need to contact your county court for more information, or to submit your proof of traffic school completion, you will find a complete list of court contact information here: Florida County Court Locations.